
Amazon has sent out the following, which brings this issue to a speedy resolution:

"We have resolved the issue affecting Internet connectivity to the US-WEST-1 Region. Connectivity within the region was not affected by this event. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally."

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AWS US-West-2 seems to be back up and running.

All Captivate components are working a-ok and download analytics are piping into the dashboard as we speak.

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AWS US-West-2 is currently down, affecting parts of Captivate's core function including limiting access to the API, dashboard and Captivate Sites.

This is a third-party issue that affects many large platforms across the world including Xbox, Notion and more.

Podcast downloads are still tracking and will be processed into your dashboard once AWS recovers. Public RSS feeds are not affected, but private RSS feeds may be sporadically affected.

There will be no loss of analytics data.

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Affected components
  • Platform
  • API
  • Podcast Analytics
  • Captivate Player
  • Captivate Sites
  • Podcast Imports
  • Sites Assets Libraries