Scheduled Analytics Upgrade Maintenance

1 day and 6 hours

The maintenance is now complete, all download analytics have been ingested. Thanks for your patience as always :-)

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Upgrade to analytics service complete, downtime was around 6 minutes, analytics ingestion are now ingesting quicker.

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At 12pm GMT we'll be running an upgrade to analytics service which will mean a small amount of downtime on the analytics, downloads are still being tracked - the reporting tool will be showing 0 downloads temporarily whilst this upgrade happens.

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The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


We're currently running some scheduled maintenance which will mean that ingestion of analytics will be slower than usual, these will catch back up in the next 24 hours.

Please note, no download analytics will be lost in this period of time.

This maintenance is in preparation for a nice, big upgrade :)

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Podcast Analytics